Trademark is an original sign that identifies and distinguishes your products and/or services among products and/or services of the other owners.
The most popular types of trademarks are:
A mark consisting exclusively of words or letters, numerals, other standard typographic characters or a combination thereof that can be typed.
A mark consisting of figurative elements, graphic, original colors or non-standart characters
A combination of figurative and verbal elements
(example – EUIPO registration No006721567)
(example – EUIPO registration No 011727856)
(example – UK registration No UK00000997728)
Other possible types of trademarks are:
— Shape mark — Sound mark — Position mark — Colour (single) mark
Each trademark is to be registered for certain products and/or services. All possible products and services are classified in the International classificatory – Nice classification.
To register a trademark, it is important to choose a list of your products and services according to the respective class very precisely.
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